The Blog

This is the second attempt to maintain a blog of my own. Once upon a time I had taken a domain and hosted a wordpress powered website. Then I gave up because I did not really think I had stories to tell. This time around, I think I do have stories to tell. Maybe this one will survive.

The blog will mostly contain a more regular log of my travels and activities. Otherwise I am active on medium and instagram. I used to blog on blogger and write my book reviews here. Yup, I have created a big mess all over the internet!

Since 2018, the blog has a co-owner in Parul, my lawfully wedded wife. We have been seeing the world together for a while now so it makes sense to tell our stories together as well.

In case you wish to reach out to us, feel free to do so!

The Us


I have always struggled with this section. From the days when social media was gaining popularity in India and people were creating their profiles in various sites, this was the only question I never had a straight answer for :

Write a few lines about yourself.

I am what I do and this entire blog is perhaps an attempt to answer that very question. There are a few things that interest me and a man’s interest are what define him, I guess.

  • Technology : It is my bread and butter after all!
  • Reading : I am usually to be found with a book. I have found the most enduring and loyal friends in the pedigree.
  • Writing : I aspire to write something of consequence. Someday.
  • Flânerie : I love strolling the streets and back alleys of a city. If you look closely, there are things waiting to tell their stories.
  • Outdoors : They have been my passion for quite some time now.
  • Music : BIG fan of rock n' roll! Though I listen to anything and everything.
  • Travel : But then that is the fad of the age…

For more, browse through the posts. 🍻


I am generally a very happy and cheerful person in life. I am very new to the writing world. Here are a few things that interest me:

  • Photography : I will not say I am a photographer but I am more of a photography enthusiast. I am always looking out for the next best photo that I can make.
  • Music : There are very few people in the world who will say they don’t like music. If I am ever given charge of music you will end up hearing Rock, Post Rock, Alternate Rock and sometimes pop music from the 90’s
  • Biking : Don’t recall the exact age I fell in love with the bike. Maybe it was when my dad sold his Yezdi that I realised I loved it. Love riding through the country with Karan and my 350cc Royal Enfield Electra lovingly known as Ifrit.
  • Sleeping : When I am confused on what it is that I want to do at any point in time I sleep. It’s more like a talent than hobby, sleeping anywhere, anytime, anyhow. I don’t regret a single minute I have spent sleeping.
  • Irritating Karan : It took me a while to realise this actually but this is only other thing besides sleeping that I do when I am confused.

I am very new to the writing world. Every feedback that you give will help me get better than Karan at writing 😁

Content License

All blog content is licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.

Please share and use responsibly. ✌


Here is a visualization of the countries we have travelled to so far. Blue for Karan (37), Red for Parul (32) and Brown for both of us (29).